How To Practice Effective Parenthood


Effective parenthood is very essential for proper child development. Parents and other primary caregivers are arguably the most significant and influential individuals in the lives of young children. They are the ones who provide their children with the necessary tools and resources so that they can live, prosper, and eventually grow up to be contented, healthy individuals.

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Improve the self-esteem of your child

When children first view themselves via their parents’ eyes as neonates, they begin to build a sense of self. Your children are absorbing everything you say and do, including your body language and facial expressions. More than anything else, your words and deeds as a parent have an impact on how they build self-esteem.

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Observe your kid behaving well 

Whenever your child behaves well, try to reinforce that behavior. Your poor actions, frequent criticism, and persistent demoralization negatively affect your child’s self-esteem. Have you ever wondered how many times a day you treated your child badly? Say kind things about your youngster without even the least hesitancy if you observe him doing something deserving of praise.

Set boundaries and uphold the rules consistently

Discipline is vital in every home. Discipline is intended to teach kids how to select appropriate behaviors and develop self-control. They may push the boundaries you set for children, but such boundaries are necessary for them to develop into mature, responsible individuals.

Schedule time for your children

It can be challenging for parents and children to have a family meal together, let alone spend meaningful time together. However, anything would not be more appealing to them than spending quality time with their parents. If you want to share breakfast with your child, get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning. If you want to go for a walk after dinner, leave the dishes in the sink.

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Demonstrate unwavering love

Parental love should be unconditional since conditions might lead kids to believe that certain aspects of themselves are undesirable. Parents should demand their child’s self-esteem when they need to confront them. replace the pointing fingers and condemning with offering to work together to find a solution.

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