4 Ways to Connect Better With Your Teen


It can be tough to connect with your teen. They’re going through so many changes, and they often seem like they’re from another planet! But it’s important to stay connected with them, because they need…

8 Ways to Strengthen a Parent-Child Relationship


The parent-child relationship is one of the most important in a person’s life. It can be a source of comfort and support, or it can be a constant battle. No matter what your relationship is…

Social Media’s Impact On Children’s Mental Health


Children’s mental health growth is an obvious phenomenon for their good development. It’s no secret that keeping kids away from social media is essential. But it’s as important to support them in their struggles rather…

Quick Ways To Teach Your Kids Responsibility


It is very important to teach kids responsibility. Because children are born with no obligations, and they act solely on instinct. When they are hungry or want anything, they cry, and when they need to…

How to Get Your Child to LISTEN!


It seems like no matter what you do, your child just doesn’t listen. You’ve tried talking to them, giving them commands, and even raising your voice, but nothing seems to work. Don’t worry – you’re…

Tips For Protecting Children From Online Catfishing


Online catfishing is the insidious act of creating a fake online identity. It is named after a documentary broadcasted on YouTube and has since spun off into a popular MTV show. Both shows titled Catfish…

Warning Signs Of Children’s Illness


Children’s illness is always unexpected for every parents. Because parents remain joyful and at peace when their kids are healthy and grinning. But the biggest issue for the parents is when the infant gets sick.…

The Best Morning Routine Tips For Parents


A good morning routine is very useful for every school-going kid. Not everyone is a morning person. But life with kids doesn’t care about our sleep cycles. So whether we like it or not, when…

How to Set Goals With Your Child


For proper parenting, it is important to set goals with your child. Parents’ actions and intentions both contribute to what makes them good parents. A good parent tries to act in the child’s best interest…

Techniques For Lowering Your Child’s Holiday Stress


Parents may experience their child’s holiday stress and exhaustion while preparing for holiday celebrations like Thanksgiving or Christmas. The holidays can frequently be just as stressful for kids.   Credit: tchc   Maintain routines We…