The Best Morning Routine Tips For Parents


A good morning routine is very useful for every school-going kid. Not everyone is a morning person. But life with kids doesn’t care about our sleep cycles. So whether we like it or not, when kids are involved and back to school. Here are some tips for parents.


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Make a timer

To make your child(ren) work on time, set timers for each activity they must complete in the morning. You may also make it more enjoyable by instilling a sense of accomplishment and the desire to beat the clock and complete their responsibilities as quickly as possible.


Prepare half-ready the night before

Doing as much as you can the night before will give you enough time in the morning to get ready and do what has to be done more comfortably. Keep the bag ready with the necessary items for the following day. Examine the schedule to ensure that no necessary books are missing.


Credit: raisingchildren


Lunch alternatives should be limited

If feasible, prepare lunches and snacks the night before and, to some extent, involve children in the decision-making process. A performance psychologist and author of several booksBen Bernstein said, “Crush Your Test Anxiety: How to Be Calm, Confident, and Focused on Any Test”. He also included, “If you can give the youngster two options, it will help them feel like they are a part of the decision-making process.”


Maintain a routine

Make each day as predictable and routine as possible. Maintain the same routine before and after school. Wake up, wash your face, have breakfast, get ready, brush your teeth, go through the day’s agenda, and go to school.


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Take healthy breakfast

Parents must ensure that their children eat a nutritious breakfast before leaving for school. Kids are frequently rushed in the morning, so they eat less at breakfast to save time. This reduces their productivity for the day. So, explain to your children the necessity of eating a healthy breakfast and urge them to make time for it.

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