Parenting Advice To Help Your Child’s Immune System


Winter is approaching, and having a robust immune system is critical because it protects us against bacteria, viruses, and other threats. However, because a child’s immune system is still developing when they are born or in their early years, they require as much protection as possible, especially during the winter season. 


Credit: pediatrixmd


Consuming warm water

Children frequently drink ice water or cold water straight from the refrigerator. Drinking cold water in the winter can cause a variety of respiratory illnesses and inflammatory diseases. They may also catch a cold and develop a cough. After a little cooling, you can feed them either warm or boiled water.


Take more fruits and vegetables

When bacteria attack, eat colorful fruits and vegetables like carrots, green beans, oranges, and strawberries. According to William Sears, M.D., author of The Family Nutrition Book, this brilliant material contains carotenoids, which are immunity-boosting phytonutrients.


Credit: medlineplus


Exercising outside

Don’t let the cold keep your child from playing outside. Outdoor play not only boosts their mood and brain activity but also exposes them to light and the natural environment.


Maintain the sleep cycle

To be active throughout the day, the sleep cycle is essential. Children must get at least nine hours of quality sleep per night. Sleep enhances both one’s lifestyle and one’s immunity.


Follow hand washing rule

Approximately 80% of illnesses are spread through touching. Even though it’s winter and the tap is running cold, we should educate the kids on how to wash their hands properly. They should be taught to always wash their hands after sneezing and coughing to prevent illness.


Credit: unicef


Consult with your physician

It may feel more productive to do something while your child is sick. But requesting that your pediatrician write an antibiotic prescription anytime your child has a cold, flu, or sore throat is not a good way. Rather follow your physician’s instruction and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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