What Is An Open Marriage?


When most people think of marriage, they think of a monogamous relationship. But what happens when that isn’t what both parties want? In an open marriage, both partners are allowed to have other sexual partners.…

The Best Morning Routine Tips For Parents


A good morning routine is very useful for every school-going kid. Not everyone is a morning person. But life with kids doesn’t care about our sleep cycles. So whether we like it or not, when…

How to Set Goals With Your Child


For proper parenting, it is important to set goals with your child. Parents’ actions and intentions both contribute to what makes them good parents. A good parent tries to act in the child’s best interest…

What is Alcohol Overdose?


  Some people drink alcohol to bond with family, friends, and loved ones. It’s not a bad thing. However -and as with every other thing- drinking in excess or binge drinking may lead to grave…